“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”
– Siddhārtha Gautama
This life’s journey is by far an emotional journey in which we use our thoughts and actions to help create what we want. It is a journey in which we must negotiate which beliefs to resonate with and which to discard, because these are the controls in which we tune ourselves to what we want in life. We see, we find and create meaning, we intend, we focus our thoughts and actions, and we get to enjoy our experience all along the way. Creating our lives is the adventure that we all signed up for when we came to this life. But so often we create mostly from what is seemly and randomly coming at us in life. We have experiences or something happens to us unexpectedly and we get to feel something like love, fun, anger or whatever that situation moved us to. But this kind of creating is messy and unfulfilling because it is not intentional. We aren’t controlling what we create most of the time. So we find ourselves in a constant state of dissatisfaction with our life experience because we can’t control the flow of good or negative emotional states we encounter. However, when our intentions are aligned with our experiences, then we are highly satisfied. This is how the masters create in their lives. They seek what they want and aren’t just happy with what is randomly coming to them. The easiest way to have this kind of life is to become an expert at hunting and finding all of the “emotional good stuff” that is always around our experiences. This kind of creation takes more work, but it places the control over what you feel in your experience on you. When you control what you feel, then you are really controlling what you are creating. I am love. I am joy. I am so very good.