I write on love and joy a lot. I can’t help it because these two emotions seem to me to define us as humans. We live and direct ourselves each day to obtain one or both of these feelings as often as we can. When you feel joy, you are immediately liberated from all the negativity in your world. Love and joy will free us from a bad day, solve any problem instantly and help us feel our purpose in this life so strongly that it is all we will care about in that moment.
Joy is our ultimate purpose in this life, and love is the best description of the energy that we are. We need all of the emotions that we have but it is when we feel love that we come in closer contact to who we truly are. And when we feel our joy, we know why we are here.
You have within you a purity that can not be spoiled. You have a greatness that can not be put down. You are exactly the way you are suppose to be. And you are so loved in this universe, beyond any human measure.
It is my wish that we all can feel the immense joy that we each deserve, and touch the loving energy that we are every day of our lives. I am love. I am joy. I am so very good. And so are you!