Since I can remember I have always valued and sought after wisdom so that I could master my life. I heard in a sermon once, when I was about seven years old, if I prayed for wisdom God would grant it to me. So each night from the age of eight until I was over 30 years old I prayed each night that God would always grant me the kind of wisdom King Solomon had. I understood King Solomon to be the wisest of Kings so he became my litmus test for my kind of wisdom.
What is wisdom? I used to think it was only how well I could solve problems. Today I agree with the Buddha more. Wisdom is knowing who you truly are in this universe. When you understand that you are more than your body, more than what you achieved, more than what you have, and more than what others think of you then you have a taste of true wisdom.
Wisdom is also being able to detach yourself from outcomes, accepting what is as perfect, and to be able to make decisions and still keep yourself centered without bias. But I think there is more. True wisdom is also tempered with compassion and a sense of peacefulness.
We are all such noble spirits in this life. Just remember that every action and reaction that we each have is our choice. And these choices that we each make every moment of our lives dictates the emotional fabric of our life. I only want a life filled with joy, glued together with love, and only good intentions. I am love. I am joy. I am so very good.