We all have demons inside of us that we fight our entire lives. The demons we typically wish to conquer live in our minds, but the consequences of allowing them to rule over our lives, our decisions, our choices and our preferences will leave us feeling defeated, hopeless and short of the goals and desires of our life’s path. These internal demons will rob us of our joy, steal our moments of hope, and lead us to choices that do not serve our wellbeing. Even more importantly, they will keep us held captive to a life and choices we do not want.
So often I see clients who deeply desire change, who are wiling to put in the work and who can follow a process fall victim to the messages of their own demons. In these times, these demons show their ugly heads as logic that would tell you to quit, to give up on your goals or dreams, or worse to accept self-imposed limitations. They tell us we aren’t good enough, we lack something, we don’t have what it takes, or that some how these dreams we desire are too big for us to have. The good news is, we no only create our own demons but we can also conjure up our own angels that can feed us love and support constantly.
The truth is, our demons are there to protect us. We can turn our demons into the transformational angles we need. This is the exciting part of the transformational work that I love doing so much. I have literally watched lights go on inside a person as they realize they have been the key to unlocking all the personal change and transformation that they have been asking for. When this shift in personal perspective happens, we see ourselves differently and we begin to feel differently about all our choices and our opportunities. Those choices and behaviors we know we need to do get easier to do and we literally get out of our own way and the transformation really begins!
We are all the most amazing creatures in this universe. We all have such great power to create the unique worlds we each live in. So create the one you really want to live in now!
If this kind of transformation resonates with you and your absolutely ready for your transformation, then book a spot on my calendar and let’s have a 45 min talk. I want to deeply understand what you have been through and I want to help you.
Blog post here: https://tadthedietcoach.com/blog/?p=554