For me letting go has so much to do with the people I love in my life. I have never fully understood why I have never felt the need or desire to say goodbye to those I love in my life. I have always felt it was a higher sensibility that I choose to have. But that may just be my own inflated sense of ego wanting to seem enlightened or important. What I am coming to feel is that I actually think I fear rejection so I offer love to all not only because it feels good but because it seems to fill the gaps within me that screams for the feelings of love and acceptance.
How do I step aside and allow myself to feel all the good and bad that I am suppose to, and still feel the love that seems to always brew within me? Over the years my mother would tell me more than once that “I could not save them all” referring to all of the loves in my life. Today it feels like what I have tried to do is offer to others what I have always wanted deep within for myself. So I consistently offer acceptance, love and understanding to everyone I meet or know without prejudice. It has come back to bite me but has also filled my heart and life with so many wonderful people and experiences. But sometimes I think it is time to say goodbye to old ways if they are not serving me.
while I can’t see myself giving up on loving everyone I meet, I will say good bye to my past. I will also say good bye in body to the loved ones that have transitioned. And I will say good bye to my ego’s old way of validating me through holding on. I am worthy without action. I am love infinite. I am the good.