Thank you universe for all that is available to me in my life. Thank you for giving me beautiful and loving friends who support and inspire me to be the man that I am. Thank you to my life for giving me the wisdom that I have always needed and wanted to free myself from my problems. And thank you to my daughter for choosing me to be your steward in this life of love. How lucky am I. How deserving am I. How loved am I.
So much runs through my mind each day. So many wonderful people and so many beautiful ideas. I never would have guessed when I was just a little boy that I would be living such a magnificent life as I have. My dreams come true, my loves come right to me when I need them, and the labors of my life feel so very sacred. All I can say is thank you.
I am no more deserving that any other person in this life. But I do know one thing so many struggle with. I am worthy of it all. And so I say thank you to my life. Thank you to the energy that creates and is everything. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I am love. I am joy. I am so very good. And so are all of you.
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