What are you choosing to see in your world? What do you want to see? What do you want to feel from your life? To me the most important question each day is the question that I ask myself just moments after I get up each day. I literally ask myself, “Tad, how do you want to feel today?” So I set my intention for the day and I let it go.
The truth is I am always choosing how I feel each moment of the day by what I decide to look for in my days. When I set an intention my mind begins the wonderful process of looking for signs and evidence of what I expect to find. This is a powerful tool for me to craft the kinds of experiences in my days that I want.
Instead of waiting for all the wonderful events and things that I desire to drop into my lap I simply set an expectation to find what I wish and then I let the universe deliver to me one wonderful feeling after another. This is the magic of our intentions.
Don’t wait for wonderful moments, craft them with your intentions and allow them to come to you by getting out of your own way and allowing them to come to you. They always will. Built within each moment are the seeds of every wonderful feeling you could ever ask to feel. I am love. I am joy. I am so very good.
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