I am love completely. I know that I am not just my body. I am not what I do. I am not what I have or what I accomplish, but something greater lives within me as well. Something bigger than I can imagine and it connects me to everything and everyone in this universe. The only word that I have to understand this larger part of me and this universe is “LOVE.”
Yes, I am love. I am the energy of what I know as the feeling of love. And I know that living a loving life is my journey, it is my destiny. And as long as I stay grounded in love, then I can feel my connection with everything and everyone in this life.
My destiny is the greatness of love. My journey is the loving one, and all the stops along the way whether they be joyful or not contribute so powerfully to my appreciation of what I get to experience in this beautiful life. And every so often, I get to mingle with all the beautiful spirits on my journey, and what a journey I am having.
If you have the eyes to see what I see then look! If you have the ears to hear the songs of love each day, then listen. And if you have the heart to feel the great love that this life is always offering you, then open it and feel it. And all of life’s treasures will be given to you each day.
I am love. I am joy. I am so very very good. And so are each of you!
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