
Knowing Who You Are Releases You Of Self-judgment

When I get stuck in life, I always go back to the basics. For me, this means asking myself what do I believe about me? What are my core beliefs about myself? Another way of asking this question is; who do I believe I am? Not a description of my body or my job or even what I have. No, who am I on that deeper level that is the basis behind what my life pivots on each day. When I understand this deeper question then it is easy for me to discard any fears or worries that may be swirling around.

I am love. I am joy. I am so very good. I say these things each day to myself. More than just good affirmations there is deeper meaning especially behind the one affirmation that means the most to me. “I am good.” “I am good” reminds me to eliminate that part of me that wants to judge my journey. More over, eliminate that side of me that is critical of the consequences of my life and that wants to say that I have somehow done some or all of it wrong, badly or less than good. If I am good and I truly believe this, then what happens to me, what I produce, what I have, and what I have done are merely just that. And the interpretations of the meaning of all of this doesn’t necessarily represent my life’s intentions nor does it tell me who I am. We are all guilty of judging ourselves, our actions and our own lives. I often look into my life and I judge myself instead of assessing constructively. The reality is, I have never intended harm nor have I set out to be malicious in any way. I have always wanted to just smile and laugh more and hope that I can encourage loving feelings in all my interactions. I know who I am. It is what I try to live out each day in my own way. I am love. I am joy. I am so very good.

About the author
Tad Inoue is an IFBB Professional League judge, Nutritionist and Professional Diet Coach for many clients and athletes worldwide. Tad has been in the bodybuilding and fitness industry for over 32 years and his clients include professional athletes, top amateur atheletes and all other competitors in figure, bikini, men and women's physique and bodybuilding, as well as individuals interested in optimal health. Tad was a National competitor in the NPC for over 30 years and now focuses his passion, knowledge and experience on helping and instructing others in fitness, wellness and athletic competition. His education includes philosophy, theology, nutrition, biochemistry as well as dietetics. He specializes in contest preparation for Figure, Bikini, men and women's Phyisque, Bodybuilding and fat loss for optimal health. Tad is also a speaker on mindfulness, motivation and joyful positive living.