Me and the Champ at the 2014 Arnold Classic! That year Brandon got 8th place out of 11 and Dennis Wolf took home the title that year in the mens open bodybuilding contest. My how far we have come. I remember telling myself at this show when I saw Brandon, if he just keeps his faith in himself he will be winning these shows!
We create in this life what we first believe. Everything we manifest is a vision in our imagination first. We are moved to action not because we have to, but because we are compelled by who we know we are.
What I believe about myself is the basis that I create my life with. And what I know about what is possible for me, and more importantly, what I believe I am capable of is the stuff that my future will be built from. So I know that I am worthy of all that I desire. I know that I am as wonderful as I choose to feel. I know that my life is responding to me and the tone to which I set my moments, my hours, my days and my weeks to. My question then becomes in every moment, what emotional tone do I want to feel right now? Who do I want to be in this moment? I am love. I am joy. I am so very good.