Me at my desk working feeling a bit more settled into my new home. So much has changed in my life in the last 6 months that it is easy to believe that it is already almost the end of the 2019! Life does have a way of continually moving moving moving.
If I approach each interaction in my life with the intent to first understand, then I have the highest chance of knowing more than when I entered the interaction and also of giving what most I interact with really want; to know them better.
It is the day before Thanksgiving and I am so very thankful for who I am. There are times when I do not feel this so much, but I know that when I hold my thoughts in a place of true gratitude for just a few minutes that I can easily feel the power of who I am and what is really going on in my experience. So I try to cast judgment of my now moment out of my mind, away from my experience, and I just sit quietly and say thank you for everything. If this holiday means anything to me, it means that I feel thankful for who I am. Not my body, not what I do, or where I live, although I am grateful for all of these things. The true appreciation that I feel is for the part of me that is beyond what is so temporary. I am thankful for being a part of something that is infinite and good. I am thankful for being a part of something larger than me. I am joy. I am love. I am always so very good.