Our life does go by in a flash doesn’t it. One day I am trying to figure out who the Easter Bunny is and the next moment I am reflecting on 50 years of wonderful memories and experiences. My life is far from over, but as I make the hump over the 50 year mark this year I can’t help but say thank you. Thank you to my life.
Thank you for giving me such beautiful experiences. Thank you for bringing such wonderful people into my path. Thank you for allowing me the wisdom to see the errors of my ways and thank you for giving me the strength to correct them.
I thank my life for all that has come to me and all that will come to me. Today I wake and I feel a peace that I have never felt before. It is a feeling that I know everything will always be alright. Alright not because I have figured it all out, but alright because everything always works out the way it is suppose to. Nothing is ever going wrong.
But mostly I am thankful for how this life has made me feel. There were times when I felt frustrated and angry, but it was only because I turned away from the joy and love within me. I am thankful that today I do not turn away any more. I am thankful that I can see just how good it feels to keep my face turned to the warm light of love and joy. So thank you, thank you for being the loving life that I have always been so worthy of, even when I didn’t feel like it. Thank you for wrapping your arms of love around my life and blessing me with the kisses of loving experience each day.
I am love. I am joy. I am always and forever will be good. And so are each one of you. I love you.
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