I sail my life’s voyage in this treacherous blue ocean
Steering and swearing in all of my commotion
It is always hard to see the direction I wish to go
The water pushes me to and fro
Glints of hope in the distance I can sometimes make
But I often feel as though I may completely brake
The waves that crash so hard upon my tiny ship
Pushing me, tossing me, almost over I tip!
There comes a point where I must say enough
But how am I to sail, in the middle of this ruff
Some say when you stick it out good things will follow
But what I see before me, that can be hard to swallow!
Then I remember that I am in command
This boat moves but by my hand!
I do not control the water that holds my fate
I must beware that my ship can be the trap and I the bait!
But no matter, I will persevere till the end
I will make this water my best friend
So I hold on tight and brace myself for the ride
Even though it seems like suicide.
I journey through hard times that are heavy as shit
As well as easy ones, both to whom I commit!
Through the rough and through the still
I sail on, I sail on, and make it all a thrill
I am my life’s commander and this voyage I will not away shrink
I know that I always decide when I will sink!
I have realized a few truths through all that I endeavor
Storms may come and go, but I am always forever!
So while I do not know what tomorrow will bring
I always have my voyage and that can make me sing.